Passenger Experience Strategy

The best airports in the world have one thing in common. They take an active responsibility for the passenger experience of all its passengers and have invested in designing and building a holistic passenger experience strategy where the end-to-end journey is mapped out and tangible. 


Download our Passenger Experience Checklist to guide you through the five fundamental building blocks to help you craft your Passenger Experience Strategy, using tools that we use when we work with our aviation clients. 

Passenger Experience Checklist

A Passenger Experience strategy is a plan designed to enhance and optimise the passenger experience at all touchpoints throughout the passenger’s journey. 

What do the best airports in the world do differently? 

They proactively design and build the passenger experience that delivers against a strategy. The strategy’s foundations always consist of five building blocks, and in our experience, without these and an understanding of some fundamental questions, your strategy won't succeed. 

The future of passenger experience

Tune into our CXD podcast, where Oliver King and David Pinder have explored the future of passenger experience and how innovative technologies and solutions are enhancing the future of a more human-centred, accessible and holistic approach to customer journey design.

Tune in now on YouTube, Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

You can't buy passenger experience

The airport experience. For some, it conjures images of long queues, confusing signs, and mounting stress. But what if airports transformed from logistical hubs into seamless travel destinations catering to passengers’ physical and emotional journeys?

In this article, we look at what makes a seamless travel experience, and the benefits of a powerful passenger experiences for the airport ecosystem. 

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Access all areas: Why airports need to adapt their passenger experience strategies

For many people, airports can be the most critical piece in the overall passenger experience.  However, traditionally, the experience has failed to be truly accessible and inclusive for all passengers. 

This article explores five considerations for crafting a truly inclusive airport experience.  


Beyond efficiency: Why accommodating every passenger matters

In the bustling world of modern air travel, efficiency often takes centre stage. Airports and airlines prioritise streamlined processes, reduced wait times, and optimise resources to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible.  

However, this need for speed overlooks a fundamental aspect.

Read this article to understand how you can craft unique passenger journeys based on a deep understanding of your passenger needs, expectations and priorities. 

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9 key learnings from working with Dubai Airports

We’ve worked with Dubai Airports across a variety of projects, including a new and distinctly Dubai Airports passenger experience strategy and vision to deliver their desired business outcomes.

Here's what we learnt over a decade-long relationship with one of the busiest airport hubs in the world.


Passenger Experience Checklist

The best airports in the world see passenger experience as an investment and a fundamental driver of success. 

Our Passenger Experience Checklist is a guide to help you craft your own impactful passenger experience strategy.

Fill out the form below to download your copy of the Passenger Experience Checklist. 

Let's reimagine your passenger experience, together.

PX Checklist

PX Checklist

Case studies

Bupa International New Proposition

Bupa International New Proposition

Bupa International partnered with the Engine Service Design team to pioneer new service...

Barclays Bank Service Strategy Design

Barclays Bank Service Strategy Design

Barclays Bank, responding to new UK Government regulations, collaborated with the Engine Service...

Dubai Airport Customer Service Design

Dubai Airport Customer Service Design

Dubai Airports, faced with the challenge of accommodating a growing number of passengers at the...

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